How to Get Stains Out of Quartzite Counter: A Step-by-Step Guide

Sandstone and quartz crystals join together to form quartzite under extreme pressure and heat. The last stone blends the robustness and durability of granite with the exotic beauty of marble. Countertops made of quartzite are excellent choices. They are genuinely as gorgeous as marble and stronger and harder than granite. Within the article, we’ll talk about every technique on how to get stains out of quartzite counter.

As a natural stone, quartzite pores can absorb liquids, resulting in stained quartz if not sealed. Once quartzite has been thoroughly sealed, You can remove stains from quartz countertops using a professional poultice or a paste made of baking soda and water to remove stains from quartz countertops. Spread the paste liberally over the stain, wrap it in plastic wrap, let it remain for a day or two, and wipe it clean.

stains out of quartzite counter

Quartzite is nearly unbreakable and twice as hard as glass and a knife’s blade. These characteristics make it a fantastic option for surfaces like kitchen counters susceptible to regular wear and tear. To know new methods regarding how to get stains out of the quartzite counter, read the article.

Don’t Confuse Quartz With Quartzite

A quartz countertop is constructed of engineered stone, which means it is artificial. A quartz counter is composed primarily of polymer resins and pigments, with 90–94% of the material being powdered quartz. In a factory, it is baked in an oven. 

Quartzite is a naturally occurring metamorphic rock comprised of sandstone and quartz crystals squeezed along a tectonic plate inside the earth under intense heat and pressure. Due to its formation, this stone is extraordinarily hard, heat- and water-resistant.

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Quartzite Countertop Sealing

Due to its extreme hardness, quartzite resists etching and chipping when used in the kitchen. It is permeable, though, and might absorb spills of tomato sauce and wine. Because of this, quartzite should be sealed at least once a year. It will stop stains and keep counters appearing brand-new for a long time. There are also many different ways by which you can have an idea of how to get stains out of quartzite counter.

quartzite countertop sealing

Most topically applied stone sealers are constructed of acrylics, polyurethanes, or natural wax. They are simple to apply yet rapidly disappear. On the other hand, penetrating seals are constructed from liquid-repellent compounds like siliconates. They stay longer than topical sealers because they penetrate the stone’s surface.

Application Of Sealant

It’s time to reseal your quartzite countertop if you notice that the region around the sink on your stone surface is darker. First, thoroughly clean and dry it.

One can do simple sealant installation with the proper care. Typically, the process begins with spraying, wiping, and waiting for the product to dry.

You can use your countertop once more after waiting for the manufacturer’s specified cure period. If you closely adhere to the instructions, food contamination isn’t a problem. Read this article to lean ceramic vs granite cookware.

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How To Get Stains Out Of Quartzite Counter

Quartzite is resistant to stains. However, if something is allowed to soak in for too long, all-natural stones can become stained. Quartzite countertop upkeep is really simple after sealing. Use a moist cloth or mop and a few drops of mild detergent once a day to wipe down counters and floors to maintain them clean. A micro cloth dampened with water can also be used to dust the stone merely. 

Try preparing a poultice by blending baking soda and water to create a paste if you’re having trouble getting a stain to come out. Use this paste to cover the stain for up to two days, then cover it with plastic wrap and wipe the area clean. If necessary, repeat the procedure. Also, learn about brown granite countertops.

Getting Rid Of Water- And Oil-Based Stains

When an oil- or water-based stain appears on a natural quartzite surface, You can remove it by using a method that essentially reverses how the stain came to the stone in the first place.

oil based stains

In other words, you apply something like quartz countertop stain remover on the stone to draw the stain out. Poultice powder is a common name for this type of product. Since these stone treatment solutions come with directions, we won’t delve into the specifics of how to poultice powder functions. But it is with them that a stain on a quartzite stone surface is removed.

See Also: How Stain-Resistant Are Quartz Countertops? Does Quartz Stain?

Cleaning Out Rust Stains

Surfaces made of natural quartzite can also become stained by various stains. One example that we can consider is rust. It occurs due to many different conditions and in different places. Water and metal react chemically, which causes rust to form.

rust stains

It is better to use a rust remover for these stains. Furthermore, it’s crucial to remember that natural stone occasionally includes metal. Therefore, rust can develop inside the stone if it comes into contact with moisture. Click here for the ultimate granite slab prices list.

Long-Term Maintenance

Even though quartz is a durable material for countertops, maintaining its good looks takes some work. Follow these suggestions to maintain the condition of your countertops:

Clean Up Spills Right Away

Quartz is durable, but it may discolor if you do not properly clean up the spills. When a spill occurs, please clean it up as soon as possible using a soft cloth and mild dish soap.

Pots And Pans Should Never Be Set Directly On A Countertop

Quartz may get discolored as a result.


When setting hot foods on the countertop, use a thick oven mitt or trivet.

Keep Away From Strong, Abrasive, Or Acidic Cleaners

The surface of your counters may become stained or scratched as a result. Avoid using Soft Scrub, bleach, acetone, or oil-based soaps like Murphy’s Oil and acetone.

Dry Off Counters

Aside from stain removal, avoid leaving liquid on the surface for too long because there is always a chance that it can permeate the countertop and result in discoloration or misshaping. Click here to learn about Granite colors.

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What must not be applied on quartzite countertops?

Avoid using abrasive sponges and cleaning products with ammonia, bleach, or acid. These things can etch and stain quartzite, wear down the sealer, and leave your quartzite countertop unpolished.

How are stains removed from white quartz countertops?

To make the mixture, you can use white quartz countertop stain removal or the simple water ratio to vinegar. Before using a cloth to wipe the discolored surface, let the solution sit on it for a while. Give the solution time to soak all night if they are particularly difficult to remove. It is one of the greatest organic ways to clean your quartz countertop.

What results in quartzite staining?

The porosity of quartzite varies significantly depending on where the rock is found throughout the world. Being porous makes it more likely to absorb liquids, which makes it more likely to develop stains that are difficult to remove.

What does quartzite look like after etching?

Etching can resemble a lighter or darker area or a spot where the stone's once-shiny sheen has become faded. When marble is exposed to acids like vinegar or lemon juice, it will easily etch. The etching on dolomitic marble will be more delicate. No etching will occur in quartzite.

Granite or quartzite, which is more expensive?

Quartzite is generally more expensive than granite. Generally, quartzite costs $60 per square foot, but if you choose a rarer variety, the price may go up. Granite countertops typically cost between $40 and $100 per installed square foot.


Getting a stain out of quartzite is typically a huge, mind-boggling surprise. Despite being a durable stone, quartzite can eventually get discolored, chipped, cracked, and develop holes with time and repeated use. Quartz is a great option for kitchen counters since they require little maintenance. Despite their toughness, you must handle them delicately to maintain their most pleasing appearance. You presented different ideas in this article by which you can get an idea of how to get stains out of quartzite counter. Read this article to learn Installing Decomposed Granite Guide.

 See Also: Popular White Granite Countertops

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