Remove Water Stains from Granite: Proven Methods Revealed

Even though granite is one of the natural stone surfaces that is least likely to stain, some stains can still happen. Hard water stains are one of these kinds of stains. Hard water stains on granite countertops may be quite difficult to eliminate, as anyone who has experienced this can attest. But don’t stress yourself out because we’ll teach you how to remove water stains from granite in this guide’s easy-to-follow instructions.

Usually, a poultice is used to remove water stains from granite. As you don’t want to use abrasive instruments that can scratch your countertop, you should remove this with a damp, soft cloth. You may sometimes get water rings on granite due to water. To remove a minor water stain left behind by condensation, mix mild dish soap, warm water, and a tiny bit of rubbing alcohol. Rubbing alcohol shouldn’t be added in large quantities because doing so could harm your granite.

hard water stains

With their glossy sheen and distinctive variety of patterns and hues, granite surfaces are gorgeous. However, the opulent and shiny appearance is diminished when splattered with abrasive stains. Find out how to keep granite’s natural beauty by removing hard water stains from granite.

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Why Do Hard Water Stains Occur?

It is hard water if there are many levels of dissolved calcium, magnesium, or other minerals in the water. Minerals and soap interact chemically, resulting in the formation of soap scum. Deposits on surfaces can eventually develop into a scaly mineral buildup, detracting from the attractiveness of your granite countertops.

hard water stains occur

Suppose you know how to remove water stains from granite. In that case, you know that using an acidic liquid to dissolve the mineral particles is a cleaning no-no since acids can degrade the sealant that keeps your natural stone surfaces protected. In other terms, leaving soapy residue or pools of water can lead to an unattractive deposit that reduces the luster of your natural stone.

How To Get Water Stains Out Of Granite

Granite countertops don’t need much maintenance and can maintain their good looks over years of regular use. Here’s the different method of how to remove water stains from granite:

Clean Up Your Granite Countertop

Drying areas that get wet are the best way to remove hard water stains and mineral deposits. The simplest and most efficient way to maintain your granite countertops is to use a sponge to wipe up spills daily.

clean up your granite countertop

Most homeowners often clean up spills using mild dish soap and a sponge that has been dampened with soap, which is a great place to start. If you have hard water, soap scum may be left behind. Click here to learn the Ultimate Granite slab prices list.

See Also: What is Decomposed Granite Stabilizer and Why You Should Care

Apply Stone Cleaner

Even though using water and mild dish soap to clean your natural countertop surfaces is safe, it would be much better to use a natural stone cleaner because hard water can make this combination problematic.

apply stone cleaner

This specialist solvent helps protect your sealant, decreasing the chance of damage to your granite and keeping your finish glossy and lovely.

Ensure That You Always Remove Any Soapy Residue

Always clean up spills immediately and dry the surface with a soft microfiber to absorb all the water and prevent damaging the sealant.

always remove any soapy residue

It would help if you rinsed after washing to remove any water spots on granite residue that can dull the surface. The surface also needs to be dried after wiping, though. Standing water can leave behind mineral deposits that are difficult to remove.

See Also: How Stain-Resistant Are Quartz Countertops? Does Quartz Stain?

The Mixture Of Baking Powder

It’s time to dig in your hands and use something more powerful if the scale-forming hard water accumulation on your countertop has become permanent.

baking powder

Utilizing an equal mixture of vinegar and water is one common technique. Apply this solution with a clean cloth to the stained area, then scrub it gently until the stain disappears. Always clean up the mixture after using it because vinegar can discolor if not removed immediately. Also, learn about granite colors.

Buy : Baking Soda

Use A Poultice

Any moist, pasty preparation intended to remove anything from a surface when covered and allowed to work is a poultice. You have two options for granite poultices: either you may make your own or purchase them from stores that focus on stone upkeep, as you did with your countertops.

use a poultice

A hardware or stone surface specialist store may provide poultice materials created specifically for granite, or you may choose to manufacture your paste using water and baking soda. The thick, pasty substance should be spread out well before wrapping in plastic and edging with painters tape. Allow it to sit for at least 24 hours before scraping off the paste and giving the countertop a water rinse. Read this article to learn Ceramic Vs Granite Cookware.

Utilize A Razor Blade

To remove hard water stains from furniture, use a single-edge razor blade to slice through the water. This will only work if you can’t remove them with a scrubber.

a razor blade

You can remove the mineral deposits on your counter surface without damaging your granite if you carefully scrape away at them without cutting into the sealant.

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Regularly Seal

Regarding granite discoloration from water, prevention is always better than cure, especially regarding ounces of prevention. Keeping your granite’s sealant in good condition won’t prevent hard water stains. Still, it will help shield it from the long-term damage these mineral deposits may do, keeping your surfaces glossy and appealing for years to come.

regularly seal

These are some of the methods by which one can understand how to remove water stains from granite. Click here to learn how to get a stain off of Granite Countertops.


Does granite require sealing?

It does, indeed. However, granite is resilient to physical harm and discoloration because it is still a porous natural stone. As a result, sealing is essential to ensuring its long-lasting quality.

Are granite stains from water irreversible?

Because the stone has a porous surface, water can adhere to it and absorb it, darkening its appearance. If your granite countertop is porous, water or oil won't permanently damage it. Because liquids typically evaporate from it after 3 minutes.

What is the best way to get rid of calcium deposits in granite?

If there are hard water stains on your countertop, consider using a scouring pad to remove them carefully. You can carefully scrape off the mineral deposit with a razor blade. With a soft, wet towel, wipe away the leftovers. Your one-stop shop for countertops in the neighborhood is Granite Works.

Does granite stain from toothpaste?

Because granite is a porous stone, it can become stained by liquids or other things left to stand on the surface. It becomes more challenging to remove the liquid since it seeps into the tiny holes in the rock. Spills are frequent on kitchen counters, but stains from toothpaste or cosmetics are also typical on bathroom counters.

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To sum up, it’s important to keep granite countertops clean regularly. Even though water stains on granite countertops are not particularly common. If you come upon them, you may quickly wipe them. You can restore your countertop to its original condition using a simple homemade fix. If one knows how to remove water stains from granite surfaces, it’s not a difficult task.

 To prevent mineral deposits and hard water stains, clean up spills and dry the surface with a microfiber towel. Weekly countertop cleaning is possible using fine steel wool and natural stone soap. Above all, these simple techniques will help you keep your granite countertop looking nearly new for many years.

See Also: Installing Decomposed Granite Guide

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