How to Seal Granite Countertops: A Step-by-Step Guide

Maintaining the appearance of your granite counters and avoiding stains requires regular granite sealing. This thorough guide will teach you how to seal granite countertops for the best results.

If you want to preserve your stunning granite countertop, you should seal it. You’ll be able to effortlessly seal your granite countertop and enjoy its gorgeous beauty for many years by adhering to our straightforward steps, like cleaning the countertop, preparing to apply the sealer, etc.

Continue reading to find out more about sealing granite countertops.

See Also: Sealing Granite Countertops | Complete Stepwise Guide

How To Seal Granite Countertops

The following are some procedures for how to seal granite countertops:

Step 1: Use water and oil to test the counter’s surface

Determine whether sealing is necessary for the countertop. Put a few droplets of water on top of somewhere inconspicuous, like a counter corner, and place a few drops of oil a few inches away.white stonemark countertop

Check if the water or oil has soaked into the granite and discoloured it after 15 minutes. If so, follow these guidelines for how to seal granite countertops. If not, the countertop is already sealed; therefore, sealing it again will not provide further protection, merely an unsightly film.

Step 2: Make the counter clean.

Before sealing: Clean the granite countertop and avoid using harsh commercial cleaners, vinegar, lemon juice, baking soda, or bleach that could damage it.clean with cloth

Combine one teaspoon of dishwasher detergent in a pint spray bottle with two teaspoons of isopropyl alcohol, then add cool water. Spray the countertop thoroughly, wipe it off with a microfiber cloth, and polish it with a circular motion.

Wait 24 hours before moving forward: You must ensure the cleaning liquid has wholly evaporated because the granite sealant will penetrate the same space that the cleaning agent occupies. Check this out if you want to get stains off of granite countertops.

Step 3: Prepare to put the sealant on

To learn how to apply the granite sealer, carefully read the packaging. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations if our instructions diverge from the label’s requirements.elegant countertop Open the area’s windows and doors for better ventilation. Open windows in other parts of the room or nearby rooms if it is raining rather than those that could let raindrops hit the tabletop.

Step 4: Test the sealant in a discrete area.

Get some soft rags or washcloths and put on a pair of rubber gloves.granite cleaning To be sure the sealant won’t damage the finish, test it in an area frequently covered by a small kitchen appliance. Rub a small amount all over the test area using a cloth or spray as the manufacturer directs.

See Also: How To Restore Your Faded And Dull Granite | Easy Fixes

Step 5: Let the test area absorb the sealer.

Give the sealant the ability to absorb into the granite appropriately. Avoid letting it sit longer than the manufacturer advises to avoid staining the stone.

Step 6: Verify the test region, and reevaluate if necessary.

Go to step 7 if the sealer test area looks great. Remove residual sealant with a clean rag if the counter surface has been stained.clean the sealent To get suggestions for a more suitable product, take a few pictures of the location and present them to a staff member at your neighbourhood home centre.

Step 7: Seal the countertop.

Apply the sealant to the entire counter, starting at one end and working to the other if the test is successful.seal countertop Apply in sections in a circular motion to ensure even coverage. Allow the substance to penetrate the countertop for the manufacturer-specified period.

Step 8: Remove the extra sealant and let it dry.

When absorption is over, use a clean, dry rag to massage any remaining sealant in a circular motion. Follow the directions if a second coat is necessary for some items. If only one coat is required, give the product time to cure, which can take two to forty-eight hours.clean off the counters

But, before wiping a freshly coated granite countertop with anything wet, granite experts advise waiting 48 hours. Wait until after the curing period before putting items back on the counter.

Step 9: Clean your sealed granite countertop regularly.

Organize your kitchen once the surface has dried. To keep your granite countertop looking excellent, make an effort to clean up spills right away and then dry the with cloth

Put your homemade cleanser in a spray bottle for occasional usage every month or two. Small dish soap and a moist rag will perform an excellent daily cleaning.

Now you know how to seal granite countertops properly.

See Also: At What Temperature Does Granite Crack? [Complete Guide]

Detecting the Need for Granite Sealing

Although your granite counter may be safe now, you must reseal it sometimes. The frequency of resealing granite counters relies on several variables, including the type and finish of the granite, how frequently it is used and cleaned, and the application and quality of its current sealant.granite countertop closeup

Every one to five years, your counter might need to be resealed. With a glossy surface, good sealing, and routine maintenance, a less porous variety of granite could not require resealing for three to five years.

Here are a few solid indicators that it’s time to reseal granite countertops:

Apply a few drops of water and oil separately to two locations on the countertop that are typically hidden from view, using the technique to test granite for seal covered in Step 1 as a guide. The water and oil tests are negative. It’s time to reseal if either portion of the counter turns discoloured.

The granite has stains on it. Granite stains are distinguishable by the discoloured forms they leave behind; these are frequently dark but occasionally take on the colour of whatever created the stain (e.g., red from wine, orange from rust, etc.).

A mark that is lighter in colour or has a coarser texture, however, denotes etching, which is brought on by a chemical reaction rather than absorption, is indicated by a mark that is lighter in colour or has a rougher texture. Check the granite for any fresh stains.

See Also: A Complete Guide to Granite Countertops | You Should Know This!


How often should I seal my granite countertop?

Depending on how frequently your granite countertop is used and exposed to liquids and oils, it is advised to reseal it every one to three years. The granite will remain protected and beautiful for many years with routine resealing.

What kind of granite sealing product should I use?

It's crucial to use a sealing product specially made for granite while making your choice. Choose a product that will offer enduring protection and is both water- and oil-repellent.

When sealing granite countertops, what should you avoid doing?

While sealing countertops, there are a few things you must wait to do. Employ only mild cleaning products; avoid any that include harsh chemicals or bleach. They have the potential to harm the sealant and reduce its efficiency. Also, avoid using any harsh cleaners to clean the countertops. Scrubbing pads, steel wool, and other items that could scratch the surface fall under this category. Finally, avoid leaving any liquids on the countertop for an extended time. If they do, they might discolour the granite by soaking it.

Do I need to pay a professional to seal granite countertops, or can I do it myself?

Granite countertops can be sealed by hand, but you should engage a professional if you need clarification on the procedure or the outcome. Granite sealing is a reasonably uncomplicated technique, but following the instructions is crucial to get the best results.

Is sealing a granite countertop necessary?

Sealing is essential to prolong the life of a granite countertop and shield it from stains, scratches, and other types of harm. Granite can be vulnerable to harm without proper sealing, particularly when exposed to liquids and oils.


We are confident that after reading this, you now understand how to seal granite countertops. We have included various information to help you comprehend the sealing of your granite countertops and make decisions.

A high-quality sealer will assist you in preserving the granite’s natural appearance and colour for an extended amount of time and prevent stains.

See Also: The Ultimate Granite slab prices list | Granite Countertops Guide

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